Donald Whitney has published some wonderful thought-provoking resources that I am trying to work my way through in my quiet times. I would challenge you to read these questions over the next several days, along with me, and to pray about what actions God would have us take in our efforts toward holiness:"Consider your ways!" (Haggai 1:5) -
1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?
2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year?
3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family's life this year?
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year and what will you do about it?
5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life and what will you do about it this year?
6. What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church?
7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently for this year?
8. What's the most important way you will, by God's grace, try to make this year different from last?
9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?
10. What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in ten years? In eternity?
"The plans of the diligent surely lead to advantage." (Proverbs 21:5)
Then, for further consideration, here are some deeply challenging questions from George Whitefield to use in probing your soul:
1. Been fervent in prayer?
2. After or before every deliberate conversation or action, considered how it might tend to God's glory?
3. After any pleasure, immediately given thanks?
4. Planned business for the day?
5. Been simple and recollected in everything?
6. Been meek, cheerful, affable in everything I said or did?
7. Been proud, vain, unchaste or enviable of others?
8. Recollected in eating and drinking? Thankful? Temperate in sleep?
9. Thought or spoken unkindly of anyone?
10. Confessed all sins?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Biblical Womanhood is always expressed through the lens of love
For some time I have been reading Susan Hunt's book Spiritual Mothering. Even as a young woman it is important to realize that there is always a younger believing woman looking to model herself after the women God has placed in her circle of influence. Although I am only in my early thirties, there are many teenage girls and young college-age women whom I may impact without even realizing it. They are watching carefully to see how I speak, dress, interact with others, serve, and behave. This is a scary thought sometimes when I reflect upon my failures and sinful habits. But Mrs. Hunt carefully admonishes the reader to note that the qualification for any mentoring relationship with a fellow sister in the Lord is LOVE. She attributes the following important distinctions to biblical love:
1. It gives the energy to work at our relationships and conduct.
2. It is an action and therefore does not come naturally!
3. It demands dying to oneself.
4. It take enormous risks!
5. It is mandatory for our faithful witness (Jn. 13:34,35)
6. It requires us to remove the "outer garments" (like selfishness and pride) that may hinder our ability to display it.
These characteristics of love make it abundantly clear that it is not a simple task. Lord, help me to love biblically and not according to fleshly standards!
1. It gives the energy to work at our relationships and conduct.
2. It is an action and therefore does not come naturally!
3. It demands dying to oneself.
4. It take enormous risks!
5. It is mandatory for our faithful witness (Jn. 13:34,35)
6. It requires us to remove the "outer garments" (like selfishness and pride) that may hinder our ability to display it.
These characteristics of love make it abundantly clear that it is not a simple task. Lord, help me to love biblically and not according to fleshly standards!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Present Application of Truth
Psalm 28:6,7..."Blessed be the Lord! For He has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him." This passage helps answer the question: what do we do with our emotions? Oftentimes our emotions overwhelm us like a flood, whether it be sadness, frustration, irritability, anger, joy, sorrow. Then we have a difficult time discerning what is true and right when it is mingled with our fleshly emotions that are often tainted by our own sinfulness. Here the psalmist is presently applying himself to remember God's Truth. As one of my professors put it: the psalmist does not say that he is helped and so therefore trusts - but he chooses to trust and then is helped. Take note of that sequence. The help comes from choosing to believe.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ponder nothing earthly minded...
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly minded, For with blessing is His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth, Our full homage to demand.
King of Kings, Yet born of Mary, As of old earth He stood,
Lord of Lords, In human vesture, In the body and the blood;
He will give to all the faithful. His own self for heavenly food.
Rank on rank the host of heaven spreads it's vanguard on the way,
As Light of light descendeth from the realms of endless day,
That the powers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away.
At His feet the six-winged seraph, Cherubim, With sleeples eye,
Veil their faces to His presence as with ceaseless voice they cry:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord Most High!
by Fernando Ortega
Ponder nothing earthly minded, For with blessing is His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth, Our full homage to demand.
King of Kings, Yet born of Mary, As of old earth He stood,
Lord of Lords, In human vesture, In the body and the blood;
He will give to all the faithful. His own self for heavenly food.
Rank on rank the host of heaven spreads it's vanguard on the way,
As Light of light descendeth from the realms of endless day,
That the powers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away.
At His feet the six-winged seraph, Cherubim, With sleeples eye,
Veil their faces to His presence as with ceaseless voice they cry:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord Most High!
by Fernando Ortega
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Stirring one another up
One of my pastors posted an article that was so intricately connected to a two-hour conversation I had last night with a close friend. It was so encouraging to see the Lord provoking multiple people to the same thoughts in the same season. I was going to leave a really long comment on his blog about how his post applied directly to the conversation I had with my friend. However, after rereading my comments, I decided it would be better for me to simply post about it on here. Firstly, because sometimes blog comments can be misconstrued or misunderstood to mean something other than what the author intended. I don't want to place additional words in the mouths of the Grace Remarx bloggers. The post linked to here is merely a jumping off point for some thoughts of my own. And secondly, because I am still relatively "new" to the blogging world, especially commenting. So, all that said...I would encourage you to read the post at Grace Remarx, which is linked to below. Now I would like to expand on something that has been the meditation of my thoughts in recent days, as well as the topic of several conversations I have had:
Last night, a friend and I were discussing how there seem to be more and more first-generation believers in this age. This is a beautiful and exciting thing to see, particularly in the college ministry I have the joy of serving under. But it also presents a thoughtful issue for the longstanding believer who has never known a life of solitary faith. What I mean by solitary is that most traditional church-going individuals have historically come from a long line of spiritual family members. That is quickly becoming less common. And it should be a source of joy for the Church, as we observe the work of Christ being wrought in the hearts of those who have no explanation for the salvation they have inherited other than the express and profound mercies of God Almighty! When God delivers someone from the absolute pits of darkness where he had no exposure to or experience of any religious affections in his home, that is a distinctly miraculous event!
Unfortunately, sometimes I think we are so inward-focused on our personal spirituality and our family's (sometimes to the point that we idolize it) that we fail to properly "stir up" some of these new converts, particularly those who may be the only believing person in their family. They do not have any godly heritage cultivated in their home and so it is imperative that they be included actively in ours so that we can model it for them. I see this specifically in young adults (many of whom have been redeemed out of an entirely pagan unbelieving family) who are eagerly growing in doctrine and holy living as young believers but it is often solely the result of God's grace to incline them to righteousness and unfortunately, not from the precious investment of their spiritual family to intimately mentor them and spur them on in the faith. They need us to build them up so they are ready to go back into the fires that surround them in their unbelieving homes, so they will be encouraged to carry out "good works" in living a life that is wholly set apart from all that they have previously known.
We take for granted that we may have grown up in a home where Christ and His Word were openly taught and embraced. We so much take it for granted that we build our entire lives around our families and rarely reach out beyond the four walls of our homes. Dare I say we are almost building a fortress around our parents, spouses and children to the point that we neglect the spiritual sons and daughters God has given us to care for and beyond that, fail to reach out to those who are not even in our spiritual family yet! I am not at all trying to take away from the biblical principles of marriage and parenting, which must be pursued diligently and primarily. However, the most clear picture a young solitary believer who comes from a lost family background will ever have of what true eternal happiness is, can only be found in seeing mature believers who treasure Christ more than any earthly blessing, including family.
We are really good at coming to church every week and even participating in ministries, but are we searching out opportunities to place the needs and eternal outcomes of others before our own comforts and enjoyments? It necessarily implies sacrifice, something most of us are not willing to make (myself included). This sacrifice might mean inviting a young single mother and her children into your home for a meal. It might mean offering to meet for coffee with a teenage girl who is all alone in her spiritual journey and is being persecuted by her own parents for her new found faith. In the end, I don't really see how these things are truly a sacrifice, but instead are a privilege! It is a privilege to fellowship with other believers and to spur them on in the faith. "I belong to you and you belong to me, and we each belong to and have 'ownership' in EVERY other believer in the world" (Jerry Bridges).
Grace Remarx link:
Last night, a friend and I were discussing how there seem to be more and more first-generation believers in this age. This is a beautiful and exciting thing to see, particularly in the college ministry I have the joy of serving under. But it also presents a thoughtful issue for the longstanding believer who has never known a life of solitary faith. What I mean by solitary is that most traditional church-going individuals have historically come from a long line of spiritual family members. That is quickly becoming less common. And it should be a source of joy for the Church, as we observe the work of Christ being wrought in the hearts of those who have no explanation for the salvation they have inherited other than the express and profound mercies of God Almighty! When God delivers someone from the absolute pits of darkness where he had no exposure to or experience of any religious affections in his home, that is a distinctly miraculous event!
Unfortunately, sometimes I think we are so inward-focused on our personal spirituality and our family's (sometimes to the point that we idolize it) that we fail to properly "stir up" some of these new converts, particularly those who may be the only believing person in their family. They do not have any godly heritage cultivated in their home and so it is imperative that they be included actively in ours so that we can model it for them. I see this specifically in young adults (many of whom have been redeemed out of an entirely pagan unbelieving family) who are eagerly growing in doctrine and holy living as young believers but it is often solely the result of God's grace to incline them to righteousness and unfortunately, not from the precious investment of their spiritual family to intimately mentor them and spur them on in the faith. They need us to build them up so they are ready to go back into the fires that surround them in their unbelieving homes, so they will be encouraged to carry out "good works" in living a life that is wholly set apart from all that they have previously known.
We take for granted that we may have grown up in a home where Christ and His Word were openly taught and embraced. We so much take it for granted that we build our entire lives around our families and rarely reach out beyond the four walls of our homes. Dare I say we are almost building a fortress around our parents, spouses and children to the point that we neglect the spiritual sons and daughters God has given us to care for and beyond that, fail to reach out to those who are not even in our spiritual family yet! I am not at all trying to take away from the biblical principles of marriage and parenting, which must be pursued diligently and primarily. However, the most clear picture a young solitary believer who comes from a lost family background will ever have of what true eternal happiness is, can only be found in seeing mature believers who treasure Christ more than any earthly blessing, including family.
We are really good at coming to church every week and even participating in ministries, but are we searching out opportunities to place the needs and eternal outcomes of others before our own comforts and enjoyments? It necessarily implies sacrifice, something most of us are not willing to make (myself included). This sacrifice might mean inviting a young single mother and her children into your home for a meal. It might mean offering to meet for coffee with a teenage girl who is all alone in her spiritual journey and is being persecuted by her own parents for her new found faith. In the end, I don't really see how these things are truly a sacrifice, but instead are a privilege! It is a privilege to fellowship with other believers and to spur them on in the faith. "I belong to you and you belong to me, and we each belong to and have 'ownership' in EVERY other believer in the world" (Jerry Bridges).
Grace Remarx link:
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I have been pondering some thoughts for several days now on the newest craze sweeping amongst our young people, that being the "Twilight" book series and subsequent movie. I have not seen the movie nor read any of the books, so I do not have a firsthand opinion of them. However, I am hearing about so many teens and young adults, particularly Christians, who are soaking up the books as fast as they can. And women in general, even wives and mothers, who are enthralled by this series. As I stated, I do not have personal experience with any of the material, however, am very concerned about the unquestioningly loyal following that has been established. Young women everywhere are saying "It's my favorite ever!"; "You have to read/see it!"; and on and on... I have read two specifically insightful reviews of the material, and would just like to pass it on here. I don't think many people read my blog, but for those that do, please take a moment to read the links below. I am in no way saying that no one can see the movie or read the books, and I am not attempting some legalistic persuasion to prevent people from doing something they are certainly free to do. However, I am saying, don't be thoughtless in your reading and viewing material. Put some research into it before you just open your mind and heart to such things. And mothers, please be alert about what your young daughters are immersing themselves in. I remember quite well, as a teenager, reading some "harmless" romance fiction books. I pray I would be more careful with such decisions knowing what I know now. These stories only conjure up unrealistic and even ungodly expectations about what we think we will find in a mate. Being swept away by romantic notions may feel good in the moment, but the end result is often a sinful meditation on things we think we are lacking, and at best is simply a waste of time that could be spent reading much more thoughtful and helpful material.
UPDATE: I wanted to clarify something that several friends have asked me. If you check either of these links, please note that I am not the "Melissa" who has posted comments on these other sites. I guess there are other 30-something single Melissa's out there, but this one is not me as I have not commented about these articles except here on my own blog:)
UPDATE: I wanted to clarify something that several friends have asked me. If you check either of these links, please note that I am not the "Melissa" who has posted comments on these other sites. I guess there are other 30-something single Melissa's out there, but this one is not me as I have not commented about these articles except here on my own blog:)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Graduate Hope
I have been working diligently on my master's degree in biblical counseling throughout this past year. Lord-willing, I have one to two years left, depending on how many classes I can afford to take at a time. But in my recent classes, I had to write several papers, that unbeknownst to me at the starting point, ended up coinciding in such a distinct manner. One, which was to be the defining and application of true biblical hope; another, an exegesis project on I Peter 1:3-9; and finally, a paper outlining my future thesis topic - biblical counseling cross-culturally and inter-racially. All three of these papers ended up signaling me so clearly to a better grasp of HOPE and how the believer's sincere faith automatically results in a genuine hope. A hope that surpasses racial boundaries, a hope that assures the saved man to press on amidst the deepest afflictions, and a hope that produces lasting changes in the sanctified Christian. It would be impossible to share here all the wondrous things the Lord has been teaching me throughout this time, and to point out the careful ways in which my studies related so personally to God's specific providence in my life at this time, but here is a snippet of something from one of my papers:
True biblical hope is defined and applied in Peter’s letter. The reason Christians can rejoice is because of their living hope. This hope is outlined in four key areas. The ground of hope is the mercy of God in causing regeneration within the heart of man. The character of this hope is secure and indestructible. It is not like worldly hope, which will most assuredly perish in the end. The power of this hope is the resurrection of Jesus Christ because that is the power of God. Finally, the object of the believers hope is his inheritance in Christ Jesus. All earthly things are decaying, but the believer’s hope is never going to diminish in power or glory because it is an inheritance that has already been given. It is kept for the believer; he does not keep it himself.
True biblical hope is defined and applied in Peter’s letter. The reason Christians can rejoice is because of their living hope. This hope is outlined in four key areas. The ground of hope is the mercy of God in causing regeneration within the heart of man. The character of this hope is secure and indestructible. It is not like worldly hope, which will most assuredly perish in the end. The power of this hope is the resurrection of Jesus Christ because that is the power of God. Finally, the object of the believers hope is his inheritance in Christ Jesus. All earthly things are decaying, but the believer’s hope is never going to diminish in power or glory because it is an inheritance that has already been given. It is kept for the believer; he does not keep it himself.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tragedy of Congo
A couple of summers ago, I served as a missionary teaching English amongst other things, to Congolese refugees in South Africa. I heard firsthand accounts of the violence and poverty this country has suffered, and unfortunately the times have only worsened. With over five million dead, this little country is suffering tremendous strife and families are being ripped apart in the bloodshed. Please follow this link for an in-depth look at the tragedy of Congo. PRAY for our brothers and sisters there, and pray that God would send more believers to encouraged these suffering people with the only true hope, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wisdom in choosing friends
Lydia Brownback at The Purple Cellar posted some great articles last week on friendships for women. I would highly encourage you to check it out on the link to her site in my blog list. However, I couldn't resist quoting a bit of it here:
"Prov. 12:26 - 'The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.' The friendships we choose are a direct reflection on our heart for God. Don't give your trust to those whose Christian walk is unstable. (Prov. 24:21) This doesn't mean we don't reach out with our lives and actively love unstable people. What we are talking about here is linking ourselves emotionally to them. DO choose a friend for her passion for holiness. 'As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.' We can sharpen or be sharpened for better or worse. The primary criterion for choosing a friend is whether we help one another grow spiritually. One way to know is to assess, overall, where we are spiritually after spending time together. Are we generally closer to God as a result, or farther away? In other words, does the friendship cause us to flourish or diminish?"
"Prov. 12:26 - 'The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.' The friendships we choose are a direct reflection on our heart for God. Don't give your trust to those whose Christian walk is unstable. (Prov. 24:21) This doesn't mean we don't reach out with our lives and actively love unstable people. What we are talking about here is linking ourselves emotionally to them. DO choose a friend for her passion for holiness. 'As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.' We can sharpen or be sharpened for better or worse. The primary criterion for choosing a friend is whether we help one another grow spiritually. One way to know is to assess, overall, where we are spiritually after spending time together. Are we generally closer to God as a result, or farther away? In other words, does the friendship cause us to flourish or diminish?"
Sunday, November 9, 2008
God pours out His presence
The past week has been deeply encouraging to me by God's grace. I have been searching out the answer to the question: is it possible to grieve and yet still be joyful in the Lord? (or something like this) I have pondered that thought in recent weeks, God providentially chose this week to really lay out before me the answer to it. By prayer and meditating on specific Scripture passages, I am confindent that YES, we can grieve tremendously, being filled with sorrow, and yet rejoice in the inheritance we have in Christ through a relationship with Him as Lord. I so want to expound on this, but have so much to do I will just leave this quote from a song that was sung at church this morning:
"For I am crucified with Christ. It is not I, but Christ that lives within me. His cross will never ask for more than I can give!" This is sorrow mingled with joy, being assured that in the suffering and crucifxion of Christ, I am now guaranteed that He will never require something that is beyond what can be accomplished through Him, despite my inabilities. His strength perfects my weaknesses!
"For I am crucified with Christ. It is not I, but Christ that lives within me. His cross will never ask for more than I can give!" This is sorrow mingled with joy, being assured that in the suffering and crucifxion of Christ, I am now guaranteed that He will never require something that is beyond what can be accomplished through Him, despite my inabilities. His strength perfects my weaknesses!
Monday, November 3, 2008
True Womanhood for the Single
The following excerpt was taken from John Piper's introductory statements at the recent "True Woman" conference:
The apostle Paul clearly loved his singleness because of the radical freedom for ministry that it gave him (1 Corinthians 7:32-38). One of the reasons he was free to celebrate his singleness and call others to join him in it, is that, even though marriage is meant to display the glory of Christ, there are truths about Christ and his kingdom that shine more clearly through singleness than through marriage. I’ll give you three examples:
1) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that the family of God grows not by propagation through sexual intercourse, but by regeneration through faith in Christ. If you never marry, and if you embrace a lifetime of chastity and biological childlessness, and if you receive this from the Lord’s hand as a gift with contentment, and if you gather to yourself the needy and the lonely, and spend yourself for the gospel without self-pity, because Christ has met your need, then he will be mightily glorified in your life, and particularly so because you are a woman.
2) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that relationships in Christ are more permanent, and more precious, than relationships in families. The single woman who turns away from regretting the absence of her own family, and gives herself to creating God’s family in the church, will find the flowering of her womanhood in ways she never dreamed, and Christ will be uniquely honored because of it.
3) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that marriage is temporary, and finally gives way to the relationship to which it was pointing all along: Christ and the church—the way a picture is no longer needed when you see face to face. Marriage is a beautiful thing. But it is not the main thing. If it were, Jesus would not have said, “In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30). Single womanhood, content to walk with Christ, is a great witness that he is a better husband than any man, and in the end, will be the only husband in the universe.
In other words, true womanhood can flourish in marriage and singleness.
The apostle Paul clearly loved his singleness because of the radical freedom for ministry that it gave him (1 Corinthians 7:32-38). One of the reasons he was free to celebrate his singleness and call others to join him in it, is that, even though marriage is meant to display the glory of Christ, there are truths about Christ and his kingdom that shine more clearly through singleness than through marriage. I’ll give you three examples:
1) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that the family of God grows not by propagation through sexual intercourse, but by regeneration through faith in Christ. If you never marry, and if you embrace a lifetime of chastity and biological childlessness, and if you receive this from the Lord’s hand as a gift with contentment, and if you gather to yourself the needy and the lonely, and spend yourself for the gospel without self-pity, because Christ has met your need, then he will be mightily glorified in your life, and particularly so because you are a woman.
2) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that relationships in Christ are more permanent, and more precious, than relationships in families. The single woman who turns away from regretting the absence of her own family, and gives herself to creating God’s family in the church, will find the flowering of her womanhood in ways she never dreamed, and Christ will be uniquely honored because of it.
3) A life of Christ-exalting singleness bears witness that marriage is temporary, and finally gives way to the relationship to which it was pointing all along: Christ and the church—the way a picture is no longer needed when you see face to face. Marriage is a beautiful thing. But it is not the main thing. If it were, Jesus would not have said, “In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30). Single womanhood, content to walk with Christ, is a great witness that he is a better husband than any man, and in the end, will be the only husband in the universe.
In other words, true womanhood can flourish in marriage and singleness.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
God's providence in the creation of His people:
"The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved. Adam lost a rib...but in lieu thereof he had a helpmeet for him, which abundantly made up his loss." Matthew Henry
Monday, October 20, 2008
To a Christian Gentlewoman
This is a letter written by Samuel Rutherford in 1628, to a woman under the severest of afflictions. Let us consider how "light and momentary" our current afflictions are and rejoice in God's sweet care for us even in allowing such painful circumstances:
"My love in Christ remembered to you. I was indeed sorrowful when I left you, especially since you were in such heaviness after your daughter's death; yet I am sure you know that the weightiest end of the cross of Christ that is laid upon you, lies on your Strong Savior. For Isaiah said that in all your afflictions He is afflicted (Is. 63:9). O blessed Savior, who suffers with you! Your soul may be glad, even to walk in the fiery furnace, with the Son of Man, who is also the Son of God. Take courage. When you tire, He will bear both you and your burden (Ps. 55:22). In a little while you shall see the salvation of God. Your lease on your daughter has run out; and you can no more quarrel against your great Superior for taking what He owns, than a poor tenant can complain when the landowner takes back his own land when the lease is expired. Do you think she is lost, when she is only sleeping in the bosom of the Almighty? If she were with a dear friend, your concern for her would be small, even though you would never see her again. Oh now, is she not with a dear friend, and gone higher, upon a certain hope that you shall see her again in the resurrection? Your daughter was a part of yourself; and therefore, being as it were cut in half, you will be grieved. But you have to rejoice; though a part of you is on earth, a great part of you is glorified in heaven. Follow her, but do not envy her; for indeed it is self-love that makes us mourn for them that die in the Lord. Why? Because we cannot mourn for them since they are happy; therefore, we mourn on our own private account. Be careful then, that in showing your affection in mourning for your daughter that you are not, out of self-affection, mourning for yourself. Consider what the Lord is doing. Your daughter has been plucked out of the fire, and she rests from her labors. Your Lord is testing you by casting you into the fire. Go through all fires to your rest. And now remember, that the eye of God is upon the burning bush, and it is not consumed; and He is gladly content that such a weak woman as you should send Satan away frustrated. Honor God now, and shame the strong roaring lion, when you seem weakest. Should you faint in the day of adversity? Recall the days of old! The Lord still lives; trust in Him. faith is exceedingly charitable and believes no evil of God. The Lord has placed in the balance your submission to His will and your affection for your daughter. Which of the two will you choose? Be wise; and as I trust you love Christ better, pass by your daughter, and kiss the Son. Men lop the branches off their trees so they may grow up high and tall. The Lord has lopped your branch off by taking from you many children, so that you would grow upwards, setting your heart above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. Prepare yourself; you are nearer your daughter this day than you were yesterday. Run your race with patience; let God have what belongs to Him. Do not ask Him for the daughter who has been taken from you, the daughter of faith; but ask Him for patience, and in patience possess your soul. Lift up your head; your redemption draws near."
Your affectionate and loving friend in the Lord Jesus,
Samuel Rutherford
My dear friends in Christ, let us love one another so sweetly that we would speak such words to soothe each other in our most difficult days!
"My love in Christ remembered to you. I was indeed sorrowful when I left you, especially since you were in such heaviness after your daughter's death; yet I am sure you know that the weightiest end of the cross of Christ that is laid upon you, lies on your Strong Savior. For Isaiah said that in all your afflictions He is afflicted (Is. 63:9). O blessed Savior, who suffers with you! Your soul may be glad, even to walk in the fiery furnace, with the Son of Man, who is also the Son of God. Take courage. When you tire, He will bear both you and your burden (Ps. 55:22). In a little while you shall see the salvation of God. Your lease on your daughter has run out; and you can no more quarrel against your great Superior for taking what He owns, than a poor tenant can complain when the landowner takes back his own land when the lease is expired. Do you think she is lost, when she is only sleeping in the bosom of the Almighty? If she were with a dear friend, your concern for her would be small, even though you would never see her again. Oh now, is she not with a dear friend, and gone higher, upon a certain hope that you shall see her again in the resurrection? Your daughter was a part of yourself; and therefore, being as it were cut in half, you will be grieved. But you have to rejoice; though a part of you is on earth, a great part of you is glorified in heaven. Follow her, but do not envy her; for indeed it is self-love that makes us mourn for them that die in the Lord. Why? Because we cannot mourn for them since they are happy; therefore, we mourn on our own private account. Be careful then, that in showing your affection in mourning for your daughter that you are not, out of self-affection, mourning for yourself. Consider what the Lord is doing. Your daughter has been plucked out of the fire, and she rests from her labors. Your Lord is testing you by casting you into the fire. Go through all fires to your rest. And now remember, that the eye of God is upon the burning bush, and it is not consumed; and He is gladly content that such a weak woman as you should send Satan away frustrated. Honor God now, and shame the strong roaring lion, when you seem weakest. Should you faint in the day of adversity? Recall the days of old! The Lord still lives; trust in Him. faith is exceedingly charitable and believes no evil of God. The Lord has placed in the balance your submission to His will and your affection for your daughter. Which of the two will you choose? Be wise; and as I trust you love Christ better, pass by your daughter, and kiss the Son. Men lop the branches off their trees so they may grow up high and tall. The Lord has lopped your branch off by taking from you many children, so that you would grow upwards, setting your heart above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. Prepare yourself; you are nearer your daughter this day than you were yesterday. Run your race with patience; let God have what belongs to Him. Do not ask Him for the daughter who has been taken from you, the daughter of faith; but ask Him for patience, and in patience possess your soul. Lift up your head; your redemption draws near."
Your affectionate and loving friend in the Lord Jesus,
Samuel Rutherford
My dear friends in Christ, let us love one another so sweetly that we would speak such words to soothe each other in our most difficult days!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The deep water
In the arms of a good Father
You can go to the deep water
Where the questions, we have left unspoken
Come out in the open
We will find shelter here
So I lay down, what I cannot hold in my hands
Every sorrow and hope spinning out of control
And here I find sweet resolution comes in letting go
And we will find shelter here
(Sandra McCracken, Shelter)
Sometimes I am afraid to go to the deep water, afraid that my questions for God are almost blasphemous, especially when I know the truth that I do. But God already knows them anyway, so why would I fear? And it is only when I ask those questions that I have a shelter in Him. I am so thankful for a God of HOPE. That "hope that endures the worst of conditions" as Natalie Grant has sung. Whether wounds are healed or not, God is there and He is All-Sufficient! Whether I am able to find solace anywhere else, I can lean on the arms that never change and never fall away. God always keeps His promise to love me and care for me, whether He changes my circumstances or not. He is my Eternal Friend!
You can go to the deep water
Where the questions, we have left unspoken
Come out in the open
We will find shelter here
So I lay down, what I cannot hold in my hands
Every sorrow and hope spinning out of control
And here I find sweet resolution comes in letting go
And we will find shelter here
(Sandra McCracken, Shelter)
Sometimes I am afraid to go to the deep water, afraid that my questions for God are almost blasphemous, especially when I know the truth that I do. But God already knows them anyway, so why would I fear? And it is only when I ask those questions that I have a shelter in Him. I am so thankful for a God of HOPE. That "hope that endures the worst of conditions" as Natalie Grant has sung. Whether wounds are healed or not, God is there and He is All-Sufficient! Whether I am able to find solace anywhere else, I can lean on the arms that never change and never fall away. God always keeps His promise to love me and care for me, whether He changes my circumstances or not. He is my Eternal Friend!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I have been thinking on eternity so much lately because it is my HOPE! When questions arise or doubts plague me, this is where I turn. So I have been rereading some notes from a sermon that I heard during my time in California this summer. Here are some snippets that I found particularly encouraging:
"We plan vacations meticulously but how much time do we spend reflecting on our eternal home? Your place in the Kingdom is determined by how you live here on this earth! Matt. 20:29 - Relationships in the New Jerusalem will be determined and compensated by the degree of relationships and our faithfulness in sacrifice here on earth. Many of us love comfort and convenience more than our devotion to Christ. We should be motivated by reward - the reward of Heaven! We should be left with a willingness to joyfully sacrifice any temporal thing that stands in our way of grasping Christ!"
"We plan vacations meticulously but how much time do we spend reflecting on our eternal home? Your place in the Kingdom is determined by how you live here on this earth! Matt. 20:29 - Relationships in the New Jerusalem will be determined and compensated by the degree of relationships and our faithfulness in sacrifice here on earth. Many of us love comfort and convenience more than our devotion to Christ. We should be motivated by reward - the reward of Heaven! We should be left with a willingness to joyfully sacrifice any temporal thing that stands in our way of grasping Christ!"
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Take heed to the influence of technology...
I have been listening to some of the dialogue from Piper's Desiring God conference that happened this weekend in Minneapolis this weekend. Regardless of what you may think of Mark Driscoll or Rick Warren...this exchange hits the nail on the head when we really consider what we say online or on the phone or in our text messaging. Driscoll quoted something Warren has said: "Communication today is instant, constant, global and permanent." This bascially means that every word that is sent out into the technological field is sent out instantly and can be accessed 24 hours a day in any part of our globe and has now gone on permanent record! There is no editing it after the fact. This should be severely convicting as we think of the unkind, insensitive, worthless, idle and discouraging things that so quickly spew out of our minds and onto our websites, blogs and facebook pages. But take heart. Piper says our words do not become the grounds of our acceptance before God, our acceptance is rooted in the righteous sacrifice of Christ Jesus.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I hate to not put a lot of original writing into my blog lately, but with all the hundreds of pages I am having to write this fall while working on my graduate degree, I am often lacking for time to develop my own ideas. I have a whole list of things I want to write about when I finally have some extra time! So for now, I hope this encouragement from Piper's blog will suffice. It is taken from a portion of Sinclair Ferguson's sermon at the Desiring God conference happening this weekend in Minnesota. It is 20 resolutions for taming the tongue, taken from the book of James:
1. I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to him. (1:5)
2. I resolve to boast only in the exultation I receive in Jesus Christ and also in the humiliation I receive for Jesus Christ. (1:9-10)
3. I resolve to set a watch over my mouth. (1:13)
4. I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak. (1:19)
5. I resolve to learn the gospel way of speaking to both rich and poor. (2:1-4)
6. I resolve to speak in the present consciousness of my final judgment. (2:12)
7. I resolve never to stand on anyone’s face with the words I employ. (2:16)
8. I resolve never to claim as reality in my life what I do not truly experience. (3:14)
9. I resolve to resist quarrelsome words as evidence of a bad heart that needs to be mortified. (4:1)
10. I resolve never to speak decided evil against another out of a heart of antagonism. (4:11)
11. I resolve never to boast in anything but what I will accomplish. (4:13)
12. I resolve to speak as one subject to the providences of God. (4:15)
13. I resolve never to grumble. The judge is at the door. (5:9)
14. I resolve never to allow anything but total integrity in everything I say. (5:12)
15. I resolve to speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer. (5:13)
16. I resolve to sing praises to God whenever I’m cheerful. (5:14)
17. I resolve to ask for the prayers of others when I’m in need. (5:14)
18. I resolve to confess it whenever I have failed. (5:15)
19. I resolve to pray with others for one another whenever I am together with them. (5:15)
20. I resolve to speak words of restoration when I see another wander. (5:19)
1. I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to him. (1:5)
2. I resolve to boast only in the exultation I receive in Jesus Christ and also in the humiliation I receive for Jesus Christ. (1:9-10)
3. I resolve to set a watch over my mouth. (1:13)
4. I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak. (1:19)
5. I resolve to learn the gospel way of speaking to both rich and poor. (2:1-4)
6. I resolve to speak in the present consciousness of my final judgment. (2:12)
7. I resolve never to stand on anyone’s face with the words I employ. (2:16)
8. I resolve never to claim as reality in my life what I do not truly experience. (3:14)
9. I resolve to resist quarrelsome words as evidence of a bad heart that needs to be mortified. (4:1)
10. I resolve never to speak decided evil against another out of a heart of antagonism. (4:11)
11. I resolve never to boast in anything but what I will accomplish. (4:13)
12. I resolve to speak as one subject to the providences of God. (4:15)
13. I resolve never to grumble. The judge is at the door. (5:9)
14. I resolve never to allow anything but total integrity in everything I say. (5:12)
15. I resolve to speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer. (5:13)
16. I resolve to sing praises to God whenever I’m cheerful. (5:14)
17. I resolve to ask for the prayers of others when I’m in need. (5:14)
18. I resolve to confess it whenever I have failed. (5:15)
19. I resolve to pray with others for one another whenever I am together with them. (5:15)
20. I resolve to speak words of restoration when I see another wander. (5:19)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Some words from Charles Wesley during his courtship...
Christ, my Life, my Only Treasure,
Thou alone mould Thine own after Thy good pleasure.
Thou, who paidst my price, direct me!
Thine I am, Holy Lamb, save, and always save me.
From all earthly expectation
Set me free, seize for Thee all my strength of passion.
Into absolute subjection
Be it brought, every thought, every fond affection.
That which most my soul requires
For Thy sake hold it back, purge my best desires.
Keep from me Thy lovliest creature,
Till I prove Jesus' love infinitely sweeter;
Till with purest passion panting,
Cries my heart 'where Thou art nothing more is wanting'.
Thou alone mould Thine own after Thy good pleasure.
Thou, who paidst my price, direct me!
Thine I am, Holy Lamb, save, and always save me.
From all earthly expectation
Set me free, seize for Thee all my strength of passion.
Into absolute subjection
Be it brought, every thought, every fond affection.
That which most my soul requires
For Thy sake hold it back, purge my best desires.
Keep from me Thy lovliest creature,
Till I prove Jesus' love infinitely sweeter;
Till with purest passion panting,
Cries my heart 'where Thou art nothing more is wanting'.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Chemo Date
Well, here it is two weeks from Patti's last chemo treatment and I had the privilege of spending the day with her yesterday again for chemo. It really is a great way to spend our time together, seeing as we are confined to recliners in a treatment room for three hours! Honestly, these times have granted us opportunity for undistracted discussions and I know we are mutually encouraged from it. It has been a real joy to observe Patti throughout this process so far, to see her joy and delight remain in the Lord as she trust Him to provide for her every need!
As to an update on her...she presses on in the chemo treatments and yesterday there was a glimmer of improvement as her oncologist examined her and said that he is led to believe that the mass may be shrinking! It has yet to be confirmed by an ultrasound, which Patti will have next week, but his initial response was positive and encouraging. She has several more treatments to go, through the end of November. She will continue to go every two weeks. After her next treatment, the chemo will be altered a bit from one drug to a different one. She is eager to move to this next step, as there is a good possibility that the new drug will not be quite as nausea-inducing as the current "cocktail" is. Overall, Patti has handled the physical effects quite well, and is mostly affected by fatigue and nausea. Praise the Lord, she has not be affected much by discouragement and just views each day as an opportunity to glorify the Lord in these current circumstances. It has been a blessing to be around her these days and I always look forward to hearing how God is teaching her and graciously caring for her during this time. I know she is overwhelmed with gratitude for the ways God's people have provided for her needs, sought out ways to help her, and most importantly, have faithfully covered her in prayer! So I thank you on her behalf.
Walking through this time with Patti as well as many friendships God has sweetly blessed me with these days, has brought to mind the chorus to a wonderful song about friendship in the Lord (by the group Watermark). Here are a few lyrics from it that I would sing most willingly to my dear sister Patti:
'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah
You had faith, when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be...
ON THAT NOTE...I am then called to remember that Jesus Christ is my greatest FRIEND by the lyrics of another Watermark song:
Friend for life
Who took my pain
The cleansing flood
You remain
Wash over me
Till I can't be seen
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Friend for life
I'll carry on
Through the power
Of this flood
Let it spill over, over
Till I can't be seen
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Deep is the stain
Inside of me
But deeper the river
That washes me clean
I've been the one
Who cries in the night
But you've been
The friend of my life
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Love you Patti, and may you be ever-filled with your Best Friend's love and care today and always!
As to an update on her...she presses on in the chemo treatments and yesterday there was a glimmer of improvement as her oncologist examined her and said that he is led to believe that the mass may be shrinking! It has yet to be confirmed by an ultrasound, which Patti will have next week, but his initial response was positive and encouraging. She has several more treatments to go, through the end of November. She will continue to go every two weeks. After her next treatment, the chemo will be altered a bit from one drug to a different one. She is eager to move to this next step, as there is a good possibility that the new drug will not be quite as nausea-inducing as the current "cocktail" is. Overall, Patti has handled the physical effects quite well, and is mostly affected by fatigue and nausea. Praise the Lord, she has not be affected much by discouragement and just views each day as an opportunity to glorify the Lord in these current circumstances. It has been a blessing to be around her these days and I always look forward to hearing how God is teaching her and graciously caring for her during this time. I know she is overwhelmed with gratitude for the ways God's people have provided for her needs, sought out ways to help her, and most importantly, have faithfully covered her in prayer! So I thank you on her behalf.
Walking through this time with Patti as well as many friendships God has sweetly blessed me with these days, has brought to mind the chorus to a wonderful song about friendship in the Lord (by the group Watermark). Here are a few lyrics from it that I would sing most willingly to my dear sister Patti:
'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah
More than you'll ever know, yeah, yeah, yeah
You had faith, when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be...
ON THAT NOTE...I am then called to remember that Jesus Christ is my greatest FRIEND by the lyrics of another Watermark song:
Friend for life
Who took my pain
The cleansing flood
You remain
Wash over me
Till I can't be seen
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Friend for life
I'll carry on
Through the power
Of this flood
Let it spill over, over
Till I can't be seen
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Deep is the stain
Inside of me
But deeper the river
That washes me clean
I've been the one
Who cries in the night
But you've been
The friend of my life
Living Water swallow me
Deepest river wash me clean
Jesus, Savior more of thee
Jesus, more of thee
Come and ruin me with Your love
So no other is enough
Come and leave Your mark on me
Jesus, more of thee
Love you Patti, and may you be ever-filled with your Best Friend's love and care today and always!
Friday, September 12, 2008
This is a very insightful and important blog post from a godly woman (Carolyn McCulley)who I read frequently. It expresses some very heartbreaking truths about selective abortion:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A special post on behalf of my friend Patti...
I just got home from spending the day with Patti and she asked me to share an update since she is not feeling up to it this evening and may not be for a couple of days. She is not able to answer all the calls she receives, but wants to communicate with you all. Please feel free to share this with others who may inquire, as it does help for Patti to not have to keep track of who she has shared with and what details. She so wants to speak with people individually and to thank each of you for your prayers and words/deeds of encouragement, but I know we all understand how difficult it is to do that at one time. She has also been wanting to update her blog, but just has not had the time or energy today, so hopefully this will suffice for the time being.
Many of you know that Patti just returned last weekend from spending some time in NY to have consultation for her surgery. She was very pleased with the doctors she met with and felt very confident in their care. She also had a sweet time with her Dad and other family there. Please continue to pray specifically that God would use this illness as a means of testimony to her lost family members. Patti expressed that she felt a precious affection and love from her Dad during this trip that was extremely meaningful to her, so she is praying for more time to share with him about her great Saviour! She will probably have to travel back to NY in the next month or so for a further surgery consultation, but the surgery itself will probably not take place until December.
This morning Patti went for her second round of chemotherapy. We also met with the oncologist for quite awhile to discuss the recommendations of her doctors in NY. Between the two doctors from here and there, they have decided to change her chemo treatments to every two weeks instead of three. This means that she has several more treatments after today, so it will be chemo every two weeks from now until early December most likely. This will allow her, Lord-willing, to receive the surgery and not have further chemo after it (of course there are no guarantees, but that is the goal). She was really encouraged to hear that having it every two weeks may actually not be as physically taxing as she thought it would. They said it really is not any worse than having it every three weeks.
Some wonderful praises - Patti has begun receiving a boatload of bills, insurance statements, etc. and God has so faithfully provided some precious brothers and sisters in the Lord who have offered to oversee this area for her. This was a HUGE answer to prayers that we had, as Patti needs to focus on staying healthy and not be overwhelmed by all this added paperwork and phone calls. Another amazing thing that happened today was that Patti had received a significantly large statement from an out-of-network doctor that she had to see a couple of weeks ago. Well, this morning, she called them to inquire about the bill and they told her the doctor was taking care of it and not to worry about it (they said she should have never received the statement)!!! This was a tremendous provision for Patti that I share solely to proclaim God's faithfulness to her!
The rest of they day Patti rested on her couch and then began to feel worse this evening. She basically just has a lot of nausea and fatigue right now. We had one of the sweetest times of prayer I have ever shared with a sister before I left, on the floor of her bathroom. We cried out to the Lord to transform us by sanctifying us and making us more like Christ! Patti loves this church and she loves the Lord! It was so precious and reminded us both how much less we pray than we should when we reflect on the faithful men and women in history who spent hours and hours on their knees. We truly experienced the presence of the Spirit and we were thankful for the lesson!
Patti will probably be resting at home the next couple of days as she gets past the worst of the effects from the chemo. She is truly so overcome with gratitude and thanksgiving for her Riverbend family and I have been so blessed to watch her rejoice during this time. Her face continues to shine with a radiant submission to God's providence in her life!
Please continue to lift Patti up in your prayers continually. She has a long road ahead of her with chemo for three months, surgery, and then possibly more treatment after. She also still has a couple of very challenging decisions to make about medications, etc. so pray for wisdom and good communication with her doctors. Pray that the Lord would use her as a vessel of mercy and compassion in speaking of Him to others she comes into contact with. I praise God for her and it has been a joyful priviliege to have her as a friend!
"Do not miss out on the limited opportunity this situation provides for us to put on display how trustworthy we find our God to be! If in the day of ease and safety alone we find God to be worthy of trust, then we have no greater "god" in our lives than those who hope in something of this world. Our God is "the same yesterday, today, and forever". The plans God has for us are NOT in jeopardy — only temporary and natural things are capable of being lost and these things are not what our hope is in." - Keith Collins, Sovereign Grace Ministries
Many of you know that Patti just returned last weekend from spending some time in NY to have consultation for her surgery. She was very pleased with the doctors she met with and felt very confident in their care. She also had a sweet time with her Dad and other family there. Please continue to pray specifically that God would use this illness as a means of testimony to her lost family members. Patti expressed that she felt a precious affection and love from her Dad during this trip that was extremely meaningful to her, so she is praying for more time to share with him about her great Saviour! She will probably have to travel back to NY in the next month or so for a further surgery consultation, but the surgery itself will probably not take place until December.
This morning Patti went for her second round of chemotherapy. We also met with the oncologist for quite awhile to discuss the recommendations of her doctors in NY. Between the two doctors from here and there, they have decided to change her chemo treatments to every two weeks instead of three. This means that she has several more treatments after today, so it will be chemo every two weeks from now until early December most likely. This will allow her, Lord-willing, to receive the surgery and not have further chemo after it (of course there are no guarantees, but that is the goal). She was really encouraged to hear that having it every two weeks may actually not be as physically taxing as she thought it would. They said it really is not any worse than having it every three weeks.
Some wonderful praises - Patti has begun receiving a boatload of bills, insurance statements, etc. and God has so faithfully provided some precious brothers and sisters in the Lord who have offered to oversee this area for her. This was a HUGE answer to prayers that we had, as Patti needs to focus on staying healthy and not be overwhelmed by all this added paperwork and phone calls. Another amazing thing that happened today was that Patti had received a significantly large statement from an out-of-network doctor that she had to see a couple of weeks ago. Well, this morning, she called them to inquire about the bill and they told her the doctor was taking care of it and not to worry about it (they said she should have never received the statement)!!! This was a tremendous provision for Patti that I share solely to proclaim God's faithfulness to her!
The rest of they day Patti rested on her couch and then began to feel worse this evening. She basically just has a lot of nausea and fatigue right now. We had one of the sweetest times of prayer I have ever shared with a sister before I left, on the floor of her bathroom. We cried out to the Lord to transform us by sanctifying us and making us more like Christ! Patti loves this church and she loves the Lord! It was so precious and reminded us both how much less we pray than we should when we reflect on the faithful men and women in history who spent hours and hours on their knees. We truly experienced the presence of the Spirit and we were thankful for the lesson!
Patti will probably be resting at home the next couple of days as she gets past the worst of the effects from the chemo. She is truly so overcome with gratitude and thanksgiving for her Riverbend family and I have been so blessed to watch her rejoice during this time. Her face continues to shine with a radiant submission to God's providence in her life!
Please continue to lift Patti up in your prayers continually. She has a long road ahead of her with chemo for three months, surgery, and then possibly more treatment after. She also still has a couple of very challenging decisions to make about medications, etc. so pray for wisdom and good communication with her doctors. Pray that the Lord would use her as a vessel of mercy and compassion in speaking of Him to others she comes into contact with. I praise God for her and it has been a joyful priviliege to have her as a friend!
"Do not miss out on the limited opportunity this situation provides for us to put on display how trustworthy we find our God to be! If in the day of ease and safety alone we find God to be worthy of trust, then we have no greater "god" in our lives than those who hope in something of this world. Our God is "the same yesterday, today, and forever". The plans God has for us are NOT in jeopardy — only temporary and natural things are capable of being lost and these things are not what our hope is in." - Keith Collins, Sovereign Grace Ministries
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Well, I really wanted my blog to be something that I worked on at least once a week and I have definitely failed in that pursuit. But now that I am home from a crazy summer of travels I am hoping to be a little more disciplined with it. For today though, I am just posting some words from Spurgeon. A dear friend and sister in Christ was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and so I have spent many days thinking of her and praying for her and looking for ways to minister to her. In it all, it is I who have been ministered to as she has shined radiantly with the light of God's love and encouragement! Anyway, these words really provoke me to be more intentional about seeking out ways to minister to others:
"We are taught here the greatest lesson that to get, we must give; to accumulate, we must scatter; to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and in order to become spiritually vigorous, we must seek the spiritual good of others. In watering others, we ourselves are watered. Watering others makes us humble. We discover how much grace there is where we had not looked for it, and how much the humble saint may outstrip us in knowledge. Our own comfort is also increased by working for others. We endeavor to cheer them, and the consolation gladdens our own heart. Consider the two men in the snow - one massaged the other's limbs to keep him from dying and in doing so kept his own blood circulating and saved his own life. Remember the poor widow who supplied the prophet's needs from her meager resources, and from that day she never experienced need again. Give, and it will be given to you - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." - based on Prv. 11:25
"We are taught here the greatest lesson that to get, we must give; to accumulate, we must scatter; to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and in order to become spiritually vigorous, we must seek the spiritual good of others. In watering others, we ourselves are watered. Watering others makes us humble. We discover how much grace there is where we had not looked for it, and how much the humble saint may outstrip us in knowledge. Our own comfort is also increased by working for others. We endeavor to cheer them, and the consolation gladdens our own heart. Consider the two men in the snow - one massaged the other's limbs to keep him from dying and in doing so kept his own blood circulating and saved his own life. Remember the poor widow who supplied the prophet's needs from her meager resources, and from that day she never experienced need again. Give, and it will be given to you - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." - based on Prv. 11:25
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Biblical Counseling

So I have been in California for almost one week now. I am here at Master's College taking classes toward my graduate degree in biblical counseling. Words cannot even describe the depths of what I am learning here. All day long in class, it feels like I am just in this amazingly theological Bible study class. I wish I could just get paid to go to school, do research and learn! The Lord also granted me the privilege of traveling out here for a week ahead of time with a precious family from my church back home through Arizona. We spent one day in Sedona, two days in the Grand Canyon, and then ended the week in Santa Clarita. They have five sweet children, one of whom I taught last year in the 4th grade. It was so encouraging to be a part of their family for the week and they generously blessed me with their love and fellowship. It is a trip that I will always remember. On top of that, seeing the Grand Canyon was a very meaningful opportunity to see God's creation in a way that I have never seen it before. Praise God for being the magnificent Creator!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Just a thought...
"Let woman seek to discharge her obligations to Christianity. Grateful she ought to be , for immense are the favours which have been conferred upon her by it. It is enough to demand her thankfulness, that in common with man, she is the object of Divine love, redeeming mercy, and the subject of immortal hope; but in addition to this, she is rescued from oppression and exalted to honour in the present world."
John Angell James
John Angell James
Monday, June 2, 2008
Answered Prayer
Well now that I am not moving to California, I have been on the hunt for a job here in Florida. God has graciously provided an opportunity that is definitely NOT what I want to do long term, but it will certainly provide well for me as I finish graduate school and try to get myself settled here. I will be working in a customer service-oriented position doing lots of computer work. Since I love research and computers, I am sure it will be a good fit until doors open for me to do ministry work full-time. We will see what else God has in store, but so far He continues to bless me with abundant provisions!
Friday, May 16, 2008
God has radically altered my plans these past two weeks. I have never had an overwhelming peace about moving to California and it was just gnawing at my spirit. I felt like I was trying to conjure up this excitement about going and just could never quite attain it sincerely. So...I am not moving to California! I love Riverbend, I love the ministry I have here, I love the people I am around, I love the hope I have for future opportunities. All those things combined made it so evident that God is not finished working in me here. I will still complete the Biblical Counseling program through their summer correspondence program and Lord-willing will graduate with my Master's degree in 2010. I thought it was going to be a huge step of faith to move out there, but now it seems a bigger step of faith to stay here. I gave up my teaching job and a replacement has already been hired. So now I am unemployed, facing the challenge of getting my own place in August or September, and have no idea how that will all work out. But I am grateful to God for all of this because I have so much anticipation and excitement to see what God is going to do in my life here!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
It's been a while..
Well I have been a failure at posting lately, and even now this will be rather brief. I am not experiencing any kind of deep suffering in my life right now, however this quote by Piper still made a significant impact on me as I contemplate how much I cling to the things of this world, the people in my world. I wish I could just let them go easily and quickly without any selfish desires to hang onto them.
In his book, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Piper says: You cannot show the preciousness of a person by being happy with his gifts. Ingratitude will certainly prove that the giver is not loved. But gratitude for gifts does not prove that the giver is precious. What proves that the giver is precious is the glad-hearted readiness to leave all his gifts to be with him. This is why suffering is so central in the mission of the church. The goal of our mission is that people from all nations worship the true God. But worship means cherishing the preciousness of God above all else, including life itself. It will be very hard to bring the nations to love God from a lifestyle that communicates a love of things. Therefore, God ordains in the lives of his messengers that suffering sever our bondage to the world. When joy and love survive this severing, we are fit to say to the nations with authenticity and power: hope in God.
In his book, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Piper says: You cannot show the preciousness of a person by being happy with his gifts. Ingratitude will certainly prove that the giver is not loved. But gratitude for gifts does not prove that the giver is precious. What proves that the giver is precious is the glad-hearted readiness to leave all his gifts to be with him. This is why suffering is so central in the mission of the church. The goal of our mission is that people from all nations worship the true God. But worship means cherishing the preciousness of God above all else, including life itself. It will be very hard to bring the nations to love God from a lifestyle that communicates a love of things. Therefore, God ordains in the lives of his messengers that suffering sever our bondage to the world. When joy and love survive this severing, we are fit to say to the nations with authenticity and power: hope in God.
Monday, March 31, 2008
My Decision
Well I don't have much time to give all the details...but I have made my long awaited and tremendously trying decision. I am moving to California, or at least that is my plan as long as the Lord wills! I plan to go into more details in the next few days. It has been a very encouraging, exciting, emotional and exhausting few months as I contemplated this life change! Please pray for me as I continue to seek the Lord for His perfect will about a job and ministry, etc. Look for more info coming soon!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
So I just ordered the rest of the books I will need for the classes I registered for in my graduate program. It was painful, especially when I think about the fact that I already own 9 of the books I will need and yet still had to order all of these:
Shipping estimate for these items: March 10, 2008 1 "Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible"
J. Scott Duvall; Hardcover; $26.39
Sold by:
1 "Grasping God's Word Sheet (Zondervan Get An a! Study Guides)"
J. Scott Duvall; Paperback; $6.99
Sold by:
1 "Theology of Christian Counseling, A"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $12.91
Sold by:
1 "Christian Counselor's Manual, The"
Jay E. Adams; Hardcover; $15.63
Sold by:
1 "Christian Counselor's Casebook, The"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "How to Help People Change"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $10.39
Sold by:
1 "The Godly Man's Picture (Puritan Paperbacks)"
Thomas Watson; Paperback; $8.00
Sold by:
1 "The Minister as Shepherd: The Privileges and Responsibilities of Pastoral Leadership"
Charles Jefferson; Paperback; $8.99
Sold by:
1 "The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin"
Kris Lundgaard; Paperback; $9.99
Sold by:
1 "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Resources for Changing Lives)"
Paul David Tripp; Paperback; $11.55
Sold by:
1 "PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology--and the Biblical Alternative"
Richard Ganz; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, Study Guide"
Jerry Bridges; Paperback; $7.99
Sold by:
1 "Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts"
Jerry Bridges; Paperback; $11.20
Sold by:
1 "What to Do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical Use of the Scriptures"
Jay Edward Adams; Paperback; $6.95
Sold by:
1 "Teaching to Observe: The Counselor as Teacher"
Jay Edward Adams; Paperback; $8.95
Sold by:
1 "Speaking Truth In Love (VantagePoint Books)"
David Powlison; Paperback; $12.23
Sold by:
1 "The Word of God in English: Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation"
Leland Ryken; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots"
J. C. Ryle; Paperback; $11.53
The other scary thing is that I still have no idea if I am receiving any type of scholarship and I don't know for sure if I am going to live on-campus full time or take the summer correspondence program. I realized though that I have to do something because I will have reading assignments due the first part of April so I better get to reading. It is very difficult for me to just step out in faith trusting that God will move me through the next steps. I figured either way I will need the books, and I am excited about digging into them. If you are reading this, please pray for me that I will be able to make a decision soon and that all the necessary items will fall into place so that I can make a wise and confident decision. I will keep you posted...literally:)
Shipping estimate for these items: March 10, 2008 1 "Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible"
J. Scott Duvall; Hardcover; $26.39
Sold by:
1 "Grasping God's Word Sheet (Zondervan Get An a! Study Guides)"
J. Scott Duvall; Paperback; $6.99
Sold by:
1 "Theology of Christian Counseling, A"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $12.91
Sold by:
1 "Christian Counselor's Manual, The"
Jay E. Adams; Hardcover; $15.63
Sold by:
1 "Christian Counselor's Casebook, The"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "How to Help People Change"
Jay E. Adams; Paperback; $10.39
Sold by:
1 "The Godly Man's Picture (Puritan Paperbacks)"
Thomas Watson; Paperback; $8.00
Sold by:
1 "The Minister as Shepherd: The Privileges and Responsibilities of Pastoral Leadership"
Charles Jefferson; Paperback; $8.99
Sold by:
1 "The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin"
Kris Lundgaard; Paperback; $9.99
Sold by:
1 "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Resources for Changing Lives)"
Paul David Tripp; Paperback; $11.55
Sold by:
1 "PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology--and the Biblical Alternative"
Richard Ganz; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, Study Guide"
Jerry Bridges; Paperback; $7.99
Sold by:
1 "Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts"
Jerry Bridges; Paperback; $11.20
Sold by:
1 "What to Do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical Use of the Scriptures"
Jay Edward Adams; Paperback; $6.95
Sold by:
1 "Teaching to Observe: The Counselor as Teacher"
Jay Edward Adams; Paperback; $8.95
Sold by:
1 "Speaking Truth In Love (VantagePoint Books)"
David Powlison; Paperback; $12.23
Sold by:
1 "The Word of God in English: Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation"
Leland Ryken; Paperback; $10.87
Sold by:
1 "Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots"
J. C. Ryle; Paperback; $11.53
The other scary thing is that I still have no idea if I am receiving any type of scholarship and I don't know for sure if I am going to live on-campus full time or take the summer correspondence program. I realized though that I have to do something because I will have reading assignments due the first part of April so I better get to reading. It is very difficult for me to just step out in faith trusting that God will move me through the next steps. I figured either way I will need the books, and I am excited about digging into them. If you are reading this, please pray for me that I will be able to make a decision soon and that all the necessary items will fall into place so that I can make a wise and confident decision. I will keep you posted...literally:)
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom
So today I have a day off from teaching, and what a fun day it is. I got to have a root canal this morning! Actually it went really well, just a little pain and fatiuge afterwards. When I woke up from resting a while ago, I thought I would watch a little TLC while eating lunch and was really discouraged by an advertisement I saw for a new program. It's going to be called: The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom and basically it's goal is to show women everywhere all that they have missed out on by staying home to care for their families instead of pursuing a flourishing career! Just the advertisements made me sick! Each week, several women will be given the opportunity to leave their home and families to go pursue what they would have done had their lives not been "interrupted" by having a family. They will go apprentice for a hugely famous chef, work in the fashion industry or other such glamorous positions. This is the kind of program that I can imagine many a housewife sitting down to watch while her children are napping, only finding herself to sit in regret about those very children and how they "stole" her opportunity to make it big and pursue her life dreams! This show looks to me like it will show everything that is wrong with our modern society's disregard for the noble and biblical pursuit of motherhood. It looks dangerous! I do not have a husband or children myself, however as a teacher, I sometimes witness the fruits of these "career women" and the neglect that I see in their children's character and well-being as they chase after selfish pursuits of business and even charitable work. While I fully understand that some women must work outside the home (my own mother had no choice but to have a full-time job throughout my childhood), I also see many women who are filling up their lives with all kinds of things, whether it be a job or ministry opportunities that take them away from their families, which then leave their children without the proper support and training necessary in this godless society. Don't get me wrong, I see many promising visions of motherhood when I look at the biblically grounded women in my church. This is not a blanket condemnation of every woman I observe. However, I often see children who are passed over by their moms (who believe they are pursuing a good thing) and who then slowly begin to show the lack of disciplined time spent amongst family. It breaks my heart to see this, particularly among women who have the ability to stay at home. And let's face it: more women have the ability to stay home than do. Our ability is determined by our willingness to sacrifice. When did our personal dreams and desires outweigh the scriptural mandate as mothers to raise worshippers of God? That is the primary purpose in having children, is it not? When my mother had to spend her days working while I was growing up, we were in the care of our grandparents, who were faithful believers. They spent hours investing in us through teaching, talking, working on projects, taking us to see God's creation. Today, most children whose mothers work are left with babysitters, nannies, or childcare workers. There is a vast decline in the biblical training of children, which is quite obvious when you observe our current world, even the Christian world. So what if our children can spout off catechisms, scripture verses and doctrinal statements? Can they practice the selfless acts of discipline by learning responsibility, being trained to care for the home, giving of time and resources for the sake of the Gospel and simply learning what self-denial is? How can a child learn to deny himself when he sees a mother who denies herself nothing?
Saturday, February 16, 2008

So many things have been going on in my life these days, so here is a post that will touch on several items! Firstly, I still have not been able to make a decision about graduate school. I am so tired at times of thinking about it, but I just don't have clarity or peace yet about how to move forward and I am so afraid I will make the wrong decision. A good friend gave me some kind "rebuke" this week by reminding me that if my deciding factor centers around simply finances, then I must not allow that to be the reason for my doubts. If I do, then I am not trusting in God's provision. I am trying to figure out: how do you have wisdom and discernment about your choices, carefully considering whether it is the best choice, and yet still place complete trust in the faithfulness of God to abundantly supply every need!?! These thoughts are obviously tainted by my sinful desire to have complete control over all areas of my life, and lacking the confidence at times that God will do what is best and right and most glorifying to Himself! But He has been good to remind me of that sin and to encourage me to press on in seeking Him. So I wait...
Secondly, I have really enjoyed some of God's providential blessings this past week in friendship and fellowship. I got to go to an Orlando Magic basketball game where they were actually playing my favorite childhood team, the Cleveland Cavaliers!!! The best part was the company, my friends Stephen and Elizabeth went with me. We had such sweet conversation and several good laughs. They have certainly been a source of encouragement and a kind answer to prayer from my great God! Then this weekend was our college ministry's Valentine banquet for the senior adults at my church. This was sadly my first year taking part without my dear friends, Pastor Tommy and Sarah. But again, how graciously God provides just what we need. Pastor Michael, Stephen and Elizabeth and I all had a great time planning this event together and the evening was truly special! Of course, nothing ever goes off without a hitch, but all was handled in true joy. We actually ran out of food with about ten guests still to serve, so that made for an interesting adjustment of calling Boston Market and running to get some extra items. It all came together though and was a perfect opportunity to practice what we preach about patience and mercy toward one another. I think the guests were so encouraged and I heard many just going on and on about how fantastic it was! I have never been so free of anxiety and just able to enjoy myself. God has really used the past five years in this ministry to continually break apart my selfish and worrisome habits and allowed me to experience a much more peaceful and quiet spirit.
Well, I have many other things to say and even some other links to blog about, but it must wait for another day. Enjoy the photos!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lots happening...
There are so many things going on in my life right now and so many things that I would like to pass along to my friends, so I decided to just bullet-point them in summary:
This morning my pastor gave a wonderful sermon from II Corinthians 1:3-11, expounding on the theology of a Christians affliction. He discussed at length how many people are often confused by Paul's mention of believers idenitfying with Christ's suffering as if somehow His suffering was not complete without us. He even cross-referenced Colossians 1:24 where Paul said that he was "filling up what is lacking in Christ's affliction". My pastor explained the intent of Paul's words by stating that, "It's not the power of Christ's suffering, but the presentation of it." So Christ's suffering had enough power in and of itself, but it is further presented in how we live our lives amongst great tribulation and affliction.
Another thing I have really been thinking about lately, is how little we as Christian women really understand and embrace our calling to radical redeemed womanhood. My pastor of biblical guidance has brought this to my attention often, and the thoughts have multiplied in my head as I reflect on many women I have observed (including myself) who are able to SAY all the correct theologicial answers about biblical womanhood, but yet we daily fail to live according to God's radical call upon our lives. I have been reading and researching these matters deeply for a couple of months, and have been reminded time and time again to pray fervently for a revival amongst Christian women to be women of the Word, seeking to live under the shelter and protection of the godly male leaders God has providentially placed over us. We are so independent and so quick to make decisions without consulting these men, sometimes even assuming that because we may be "more spiritual" than some of them, that we then have the "right" to control our own lives without their input. This is such a tragic display of true womanhood. If we are to be a reflection of Christ and His bride, the Church, then we are desperately failing. In essence, we are saying we know better than God!
I must get down from my soapbox now. Of course these things are all shared only in the light of my own failures and sinful behaviors. God is using these observations as a penetrating reminder in my own life of the remaining flesh that is in me and how it must be continually addressed!
This morning my pastor gave a wonderful sermon from II Corinthians 1:3-11, expounding on the theology of a Christians affliction. He discussed at length how many people are often confused by Paul's mention of believers idenitfying with Christ's suffering as if somehow His suffering was not complete without us. He even cross-referenced Colossians 1:24 where Paul said that he was "filling up what is lacking in Christ's affliction". My pastor explained the intent of Paul's words by stating that, "It's not the power of Christ's suffering, but the presentation of it." So Christ's suffering had enough power in and of itself, but it is further presented in how we live our lives amongst great tribulation and affliction.
Another thing I have really been thinking about lately, is how little we as Christian women really understand and embrace our calling to radical redeemed womanhood. My pastor of biblical guidance has brought this to my attention often, and the thoughts have multiplied in my head as I reflect on many women I have observed (including myself) who are able to SAY all the correct theologicial answers about biblical womanhood, but yet we daily fail to live according to God's radical call upon our lives. I have been reading and researching these matters deeply for a couple of months, and have been reminded time and time again to pray fervently for a revival amongst Christian women to be women of the Word, seeking to live under the shelter and protection of the godly male leaders God has providentially placed over us. We are so independent and so quick to make decisions without consulting these men, sometimes even assuming that because we may be "more spiritual" than some of them, that we then have the "right" to control our own lives without their input. This is such a tragic display of true womanhood. If we are to be a reflection of Christ and His bride, the Church, then we are desperately failing. In essence, we are saying we know better than God!
I must get down from my soapbox now. Of course these things are all shared only in the light of my own failures and sinful behaviors. God is using these observations as a penetrating reminder in my own life of the remaining flesh that is in me and how it must be continually addressed!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Check out this link...
I came across an amazingly encouraging link today on Carolyn McCulley's blog. She commented on an article by Susan Hunt on women mentoring youger women...a real challenge to us all! I would highly recommend checking it out. Go to:
Maybe when I have meditated on it this weekend I will try to post my thoughts. It's been a killer week. God has given me much to do:)
Maybe when I have meditated on it this weekend I will try to post my thoughts. It's been a killer week. God has given me much to do:)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Who glorifies God because of you???

I just returned from a wonderful holiday in South Africa from Christmas to New Years. It was a really precious opportunity to be reunited with some special friends who are serving as missionaries in Mbazwana, an area in Zululand. They have been there ten months and will be coming back to the States the first part of March. Their son, Max, was a very special student of mine last year in the fourth grade and it has been a sweet encouragement to be a part of their ministry there. It was also a very meaningful time as I was reacquainted with friends I have made there on previous trips, like Zanele, Ntombenhle, and all the church families. Jeff preached several times, which was a huge blessing to my soul! I even found a verse for the year in one of his sermons. I had been praying that God would show me a special verse to meditate on for the new year. Jeff preached a phenomenal message about how God can use us to glorify Himself and focused on Galatians 1:24: "And they glorified God because of me". God has certainly gifted him as a teacher of the Word, and I was so deeply moved by the bold passion he had as he shared truth with the Zulu people. I pray their ministry will carry on even after they return home and that the people of Mbazwana will bear much fruit as a result of the work that has been done there. The photos don't really do it justice, but I will try to share more in the coming days.
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