So many things have been going on in my life these days, so here is a post that will touch on several items! Firstly, I still have not been able to make a decision about graduate school. I am so tired at times of thinking about it, but I just don't have clarity or peace yet about how to move forward and I am so afraid I will make the wrong decision. A good friend gave me some kind "rebuke" this week by reminding me that if my deciding factor centers around simply finances, then I must not allow that to be the reason for my doubts. If I do, then I am not trusting in God's provision. I am trying to figure out: how do you have wisdom and discernment about your choices, carefully considering whether it is the best choice, and yet still place complete trust in the faithfulness of God to abundantly supply every need!?! These thoughts are obviously tainted by my sinful desire to have complete control over all areas of my life, and lacking the confidence at times that God will do what is best and right and most glorifying to Himself! But He has been good to remind me of that sin and to encourage me to press on in seeking Him. So I wait...
Secondly, I have really enjoyed some of God's providential blessings this past week in friendship and fellowship. I got to go to an Orlando Magic basketball game where they were actually playing my favorite childhood team, the Cleveland Cavaliers!!! The best part was the company, my friends Stephen and Elizabeth went with me. We had such sweet conversation and several good laughs. They have certainly been a source of encouragement and a kind answer to prayer from my great God! Then this weekend was our college ministry's Valentine banquet for the senior adults at my church. This was sadly my first year taking part without my dear friends, Pastor Tommy and Sarah. But again, how graciously God provides just what we need. Pastor Michael, Stephen and Elizabeth and I all had a great time planning this event together and the evening was truly special! Of course, nothing ever goes off without a hitch, but all was handled in true joy. We actually ran out of food with about ten guests still to serve, so that made for an interesting adjustment of calling Boston Market and running to get some extra items. It all came together though and was a perfect opportunity to practice what we preach about patience and mercy toward one another. I think the guests were so encouraged and I heard many just going on and on about how fantastic it was! I have never been so free of anxiety and just able to enjoy myself. God has really used the past five years in this ministry to continually break apart my selfish and worrisome habits and allowed me to experience a much more peaceful and quiet spirit.
Well, I have many other things to say and even some other links to blog about, but it must wait for another day. Enjoy the photos!
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