So here we are moving...again! Since moving to Florida in 1999, I think we have moved six times!!! When you become a renter, it seems there is always a better deal or more space for the money and so you just move. I must admit it becomes a little annoying sometimes packing up all your stuff, and lugging it across town. One thing I learn better every time I move though, is how much more loosely I want to hold onto the things of this world. This time in particular, after being on several mission trips these past two years, I have thrown out more items than ever before! There are so many useless belongings and it makes me sick to think of the wasted money that could have been better used doing more of the Lord's work. You really can never give more than is needed! Clutter, clutter...it's everywhere! As I think of all the material possessions that take up too much space or waste my time...so it is with my heart. Many idle thoughts or vain meditations. How often can one possibly think about herself? Obviously too often! I have been talking to my 4
th grade girls at school about their speech and behavior, in an effort to train them in godly (young) womanhood. We started memorizing this little chant: "Before you speak: Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?" It breaks my heart to think of how often I fail as an adult woman to think on these things before I speak or act. I would say much less if I remembered these things before I speak. This is the woman I would like to be: "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of
kindness is on her tongue" (Proverbs 31:26)
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