These past two weeks have been so crazy. Between my job, ministry stuff, a conference in Minnesota, and moving...well, where do I begin? I don't have a lot of time, but wanted to catch you up with my happenings. I guess the biggest news is that I went to Minneapolis to a Desiring God conference, where I heard John Piper, John MacArthur, Randy Alcorn, Jerry Bridges, and Helen Roseveare. I cannot begin to do justice to what I heard over those two days! The theme was "Stand - A Call for the Endurance of the Saints". My highlights included MacArthur's firm preaching, Jerry Bridges practical admonitions, Piper's compasstionate pleas, and Roseveare's riveting testimony, as well as just traveling, which I love to do (you can see me above hanging out at the airport!). A special privilege was meeting Helen Roseveare, as well as a young couple who have their own missions organization and they are trying to mobilize young people to go to Africa...right up my alley! I wish I could share so much more, but it will have to wait for later. In the meantime, I have included several photos from the conference, as well as a humorous one from our move (finding space for all my books is next to impossible:)!
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