Sunday, November 11, 2007

Carrying one another's burdens

This morning my pastor taught from Galatians 5 on carrying one anothers' burdens. He basically summarized what that does NOT mean and what that DOES mean. It was a very practical sermon, delivered in a very simple and compassionate manner, yet filled with doctrinal unity and rooted solely in Scripture and not a man's thoughts or ideas. Here is a brief synopsis:

1. How are Christians supposed to THINK about themselves and others? - vs. 5:26
Think of ourselves in HUMILITY! Conceit manifests itself in our actions, bringing about divisions within the body. "You who are spiritual" leads to the question: who determines whether I am spiritual? Well, the body of Christ should be affirming my spiritual maturity as they observe the character of my life. Do I see others as lower than myself? If so, then I am NOT spiritual! Remember too that this passage is addressed to "brothers" not the lost. Don't spend your time judging the lost!

2. How are Christians supposed to carry their load? - vs. 6:2
Bear other's burdens with them. What is the law of Christ? To love God first and your neighbor as yourself. Our closest friends ought to be our church family. Vs. 6:5 reminds us to be careful about how and who we assist in bearing burdens. When we have a load placed on us individually we ought to bear it if we can so that others can carry someone else's load. Don't be a spiritual leech, abusing the care of your brothers and sisters.

3. How should a Christian share? - vs. 6:6
Those who teach you should be cared for (pastors, teachers). Vs. 7 and 8 give a warning to check your motives for sowing. WHY are you sowing your life into this church? It is far worse to sow to the flesh than to not sow at all! And how should believers react to the weight of sowing? Vs. 9 and 10 remind us that there will be delays, sometimes LONG delays in our labor. We grow impatient in wanting to see results and growth, but "in due season" means the fruit will come in the exact time God has appointed!

Please remember, these are not my thoughts, but notes from my pastor's sermon. I hope they encourage you as you seek out opportunities to carry other's burdens and sow good fruits in the lives of those you love (or even those you don't feel so much love toward).

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