Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, I really wanted my blog to be something that I worked on at least once a week and I have definitely failed in that pursuit. But now that I am home from a crazy summer of travels I am hoping to be a little more disciplined with it. For today though, I am just posting some words from Spurgeon. A dear friend and sister in Christ was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and so I have spent many days thinking of her and praying for her and looking for ways to minister to her. In it all, it is I who have been ministered to as she has shined radiantly with the light of God's love and encouragement! Anyway, these words really provoke me to be more intentional about seeking out ways to minister to others:
"We are taught here the greatest lesson that to get, we must give; to accumulate, we must scatter; to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and in order to become spiritually vigorous, we must seek the spiritual good of others. In watering others, we ourselves are watered. Watering others makes us humble. We discover how much grace there is where we had not looked for it, and how much the humble saint may outstrip us in knowledge. Our own comfort is also increased by working for others. We endeavor to cheer them, and the consolation gladdens our own heart. Consider the two men in the snow - one massaged the other's limbs to keep him from dying and in doing so kept his own blood circulating and saved his own life. Remember the poor widow who supplied the prophet's needs from her meager resources, and from that day she never experienced need again. Give, and it will be given to you - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." - based on Prv. 11:25

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for these words from Spurgeon this morning. I needed this as I arrived at work this morning and went to your "blog". As your Mom, you are such an inspiration to me and I continue to pray for you as God directs your life in His ways. Your life is an answer to my prayers every day.
Love you, Mom