Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The movies

I don't have a TV in my room, so I only catch programs or movies a couple times a week either on my parents' TV or at a friend's house. Lately, there have been a couple occasions where I watched something that turned out making me feel far worse afterward and I probably should have tuned out in the midst of it. Please don't take this the wrong way, as if I am implying some legalistic standard of moral superiority. In fact, I am fully admitting that I do not monitor my thoughts when engaging in entertainment near to the degree that I should. However, this quote has provoked me to much thought this week:

"There are almost no movies that don't ask me to be entertained by attitudes, motives, and actions which Jesus died to eradicate. My heart will not allow me to be entertained by worldliness." (John Piper)

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