Sunday, February 15, 2009

Glorifying God With Our Time...

Working in the college ministry at church, I have a wonderful privilege of interacting with some truly amazing and precious young ladies. In recent months, it has come to my attention more and more the dilemma that many young adults face in learning to manage their time in a way that best serves the Kingdom! I am right there in the same boat, trying to discern how God wants me to use the hours He has given me each day. So, for a recent lesson in my small group, I decided to speak on this topic. It was such a blessing within my group to share in discussion and prayer the ways that we are called to live each day for the glory of God and how that looks for us as young women in practical application. Here are some key points from that lesson:

TIME was created perfectly by God for our good and His glory! When we say there is not enough time in our day, we are maligning the character of God by claiming that He did not get it right somehow. The harsh reality is that we simply don't manage our time wisely! (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 5:15-16; Col. 4:5; I Pt. 1:17-19)

Rising early truly is an essential part of managing our time wisely. We are more effective and energized when we first rise in the morning. Furthermore, if we have children, then it is helpful to rise a bit before them to begin our day alone with God before the distractions of parenting arise. We cannot impose a legalistic rule about this specific point, but it is a biblical principle supported in passages such as Psalm 5:3 and Proverbs 31:15.

Although properly managing our time has no bearing ultimately on one's justification, it is a reflection of being a good steward of the health, mental clarity, stamina, hospitable femininity, and compassionate heart for service that God has placed within us.

Remember, the Lord has ordained your time and has appointed your seasons (Ecc. 3:1-8). Don't disregard His careful planning by failing to exercise self-discipline in managing your time. And always keep in mind that your plans are only accomplished through His mercies, which are new every morning (Lam. 3).

"What men do by themselves they do for themselves. They eat their own fruit, devouring the praise of what they do. Only the Christian who does everything by Christ does it all for Him. He takes his nourishment from Him into whom he has been grafted; and this is what makes him fruitful" (William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armor, Vol. II).

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