Friday, May 28, 2010

Not much to say...

Recent days have brought about distractions as I transition from some major responsibilities of life to some new ventures for a time. This transition is exciting and welcomed, though not without some trepidation. As I contemplate my fitness for the task that lies ahead, I am quickly downcast and despairing - if I listen to the accusations of the enemy. Sometimes there are things we want so badly in life, and we pray and pursue with great fervency. But then when we finally get the thing we so desperately desired, we suddenly aren't sure if we want it anymore. Not because it has lost its value, but because the reality of getting it sets in and we begin to realize how it might change us...or worse yet, how it might require us to be changed through challenging and sanctifying circumstances.

The great Scottish preacher, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, said this: "It has always been my aim, and it is my prayer, to have no plans with regard to myself, well assured as I am, that the place where the Savior sees meet to place me must ever be the best place for me."

One thing I have learned by experience as a woman, is that we tend to dislike change. And we tend to have our own agenda and schedule, with a neat little planner to match, and coordinating post-it notes to keep everything organized. Of course, not all women are planners. But most of us have some variation of planning/organization interests and skill. I would even go so far as to say that this tendency may stem from our creation design, as God has used this quality as one of woman's primary means of blessing man as his helper.

Looking back at Eve's fall into sin, and the resulting impact that has had on all of mankind, I would also say that this one area where woman is most gifted, is certainly also an area in which she is the most likely to have her depravity manifested. Do we not take our planning and administrating abilities to the extremes of dominating, ruling over and even criticizing men? We allow the good of how God has created us to become the very means by which we can bring the most frustration and difficulty in our relationships. We know that one of the critical created elements of a woman's role is to be submissive. This role often meets with failure because we are unwilling to let go of ouyr demands. We demand to know what's going on. We demand to be informed about plans and decisions. We demand to be aware of the plans for the week and the meals we will prepare. We don't like operating on the fly, being flexible and easygoing. And typically, our angry and impatient responses reveal a heart that has plotted and planned according to a selfish will.

What is the solution to such matters? To be as Robert Murray M'Cheyne and remind ourselves that nothing is according to our human will. The Bible says that a man plans his ways, but God is the One who directs His steps. So while it is important to be orderly and thoughtful with the time and resources God has given us, we must remember that anything we do is the direct result of the perfect will of our Heavenly Father. He is the One guiding our every step and removing obstacles or opening windows of opportunity. It is He who determines our plans, and there are no regrets. Where He sees fit to place us is His divine and holy will.

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