Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lots happening...

There are so many things going on in my life right now and so many things that I would like to pass along to my friends, so I decided to just bullet-point them in summary:

This morning my pastor gave a wonderful sermon from II Corinthians 1:3-11, expounding on the theology of a Christians affliction. He discussed at length how many people are often confused by Paul's mention of believers idenitfying with Christ's suffering as if somehow His suffering was not complete without us. He even cross-referenced Colossians 1:24 where Paul said that he was "filling up what is lacking in Christ's affliction". My pastor explained the intent of Paul's words by stating that, "It's not the power of Christ's suffering, but the presentation of it." So Christ's suffering had enough power in and of itself, but it is further presented in how we live our lives amongst great tribulation and affliction.

Another thing I have really been thinking about lately, is how little we as Christian women really understand and embrace our calling to radical redeemed womanhood. My pastor of biblical guidance has brought this to my attention often, and the thoughts have multiplied in my head as I reflect on many women I have observed (including myself) who are able to SAY all the correct theologicial answers about biblical womanhood, but yet we daily fail to live according to God's radical call upon our lives. I have been reading and researching these matters deeply for a couple of months, and have been reminded time and time again to pray fervently for a revival amongst Christian women to be women of the Word, seeking to live under the shelter and protection of the godly male leaders God has providentially placed over us. We are so independent and so quick to make decisions without consulting these men, sometimes even assuming that because we may be "more spiritual" than some of them, that we then have the "right" to control our own lives without their input. This is such a tragic display of true womanhood. If we are to be a reflection of Christ and His bride, the Church, then we are desperately failing. In essence, we are saying we know better than God!

I must get down from my soapbox now. Of course these things are all shared only in the light of my own failures and sinful behaviors. God is using these observations as a penetrating reminder in my own life of the remaining flesh that is in me and how it must be continually addressed!

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