Sunday, September 28, 2008

Take heed to the influence of technology...

I have been listening to some of the dialogue from Piper's Desiring God conference that happened this weekend in Minneapolis this weekend. Regardless of what you may think of Mark Driscoll or Rick Warren...this exchange hits the nail on the head when we really consider what we say online or on the phone or in our text messaging. Driscoll quoted something Warren has said: "Communication today is instant, constant, global and permanent." This bascially means that every word that is sent out into the technological field is sent out instantly and can be accessed 24 hours a day in any part of our globe and has now gone on permanent record! There is no editing it after the fact. This should be severely convicting as we think of the unkind, insensitive, worthless, idle and discouraging things that so quickly spew out of our minds and onto our websites, blogs and facebook pages. But take heart. Piper says our words do not become the grounds of our acceptance before God, our acceptance is rooted in the righteous sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

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