Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wisdom in choosing friends

Lydia Brownback at The Purple Cellar posted some great articles last week on friendships for women. I would highly encourage you to check it out on the link to her site in my blog list. However, I couldn't resist quoting a bit of it here:

"Prov. 12:26 - 'The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.' The friendships we choose are a direct reflection on our heart for God. Don't give your trust to those whose Christian walk is unstable. (Prov. 24:21) This doesn't mean we don't reach out with our lives and actively love unstable people. What we are talking about here is linking ourselves emotionally to them. DO choose a friend for her passion for holiness. 'As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.' We can sharpen or be sharpened for better or worse. The primary criterion for choosing a friend is whether we help one another grow spiritually. One way to know is to assess, overall, where we are spiritually after spending time together. Are we generally closer to God as a result, or farther away? In other words, does the friendship cause us to flourish or diminish?"

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