Thursday, May 14, 2009


This week has definitely been one of those weeks where many things seem to NOT go according to my plans or ideas of what would be pleasant. However, my wonderful Savior continues to show me quite clearly that His ways and plans are far superior to mine! After facing some measure of disappointment from losing my special ring, then yesterday I received two traffic citations totaling over $200! With grad. school, work and ministry responsibilities, my time is already spread so thin that I was really discouraged not only at the cost but also the time that will now be demanded to take a driver's course so I don't get any points on my license.

Thankfully, the Lord has revealed so many precious truths even in this frustrating situation. At first, I was really annoyed that the officer cited me. I mean, no one in my vehicle ever saw a sign saying that we could not do a u-turn at this particular opening in the road. And then, despite being as polite and submissive as possible to the officer, he not only charged me for the driving error, but also for not having my license updated. You see, when we moved a while back, I never even thought about getting my license changed to show my new address. I thought for sure he would appreciate my good manners and at least extend some mercy for that. Not so! I drove away with two hefty fines, points on my license, and a little bit of discouragement.

When I began to mull over everything, I remembered quickly how faithful God has always been to provide for all my needs all the time. It seems like anytime I have a medical or dental expense, a bill for school, an unexpected car repair...the Lord has always provided just what was necessary to get me through it. Why would I doubt Him now? Furthermore, though I am thankful that I have a clear conscience knowing that I handled the situation rightly, in looking back at it, I see a lesson in mercy that I did not notice at first. Although my u-turn was completely unintentional and devoid of any knowing malicious disobedience, it was still unlawful. There was obviously a sign, even though I missed it. In the same way, God's law is always right there, in His Word and written on my heart...leaving me without any excuse. His law demands justice, and there is no mercy for pleading ignorance to it! Leviticus 5:17 states: "If any one sins, doing any of the things which the Lord has commanded not to be done, though he does not know it, yet he is guilty and shall bear his iniquity". Wayne Grudem says, "unintentional sin is still sin"! Any one sin makes man guilty, punishable by eternal judgement! Yet, God, who is RICH in mercy, has chosen to forgive that sin, paying the penalty through the death of His own Son! So I have been granted mercy, far more than I could ever ask for, imagine, or deserve. Here I was thinking I deserved mercy from this man because I was respectful and submissive to his authority. But instead, I should have been grateful to have received mercy in Christ Jesus, who will supply for every need, and has paid for and forgiven even my sins that were not premeditated or intentional! I have been granted great mercy, indeed!

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