Saturday, August 15, 2009

Not a lot of time!

I went out of town for a few days this past week and just returned to the pressures of some major school assignments that are due in the next several days. Needless to say, this post will be brief and probably not very unique. But I know I am committed to try and post once or twice per this will have to suffice for this time.

One of the things I have been seriously pondering and praying about this past year has been the idea I am working on for my graduate thesis. I would rather not give it away entirely in such a public format just yet, but would like to touch on one area. That is how my creation design plays out a great deal in my relationships. As an unmarried woman, I think it becomes so easy to think that I am not able to fulfill my calling as a woman since I remain single. However, what do I do then with the biblical instructions for femininity, characteristics such as submission, nurturing, hospitality, keeping the home, training children, being a help-meet? I must choose to live in light of this calling, for it is not a calling that is ever separated apart only for the married woman. I am created different from man in my original design by God Himself, not merely because I am married or unmarried. It may look a little different for me - nurturing and training other people's children through the unique relationships that develop within the church body, submitting to my pastors and church leaders with joy and loving respect, and helping others by coming alongside them in service and humility. This is why I find the church body so distinctly precious, as it is THE primary means by which I can live out my creation design, whatever my marital status is in this life. Either way, I am married to Christ. I am His and He is mine!

"Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its desires and passions." Galatians 5:24

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