Monday, August 31, 2009

Nothing original here...just the key to a godly life!

Since I am in the midst of paperwork for school, there aren't a lot of original thoughts to dispense at this moment, though my list of future blogging titles is ever-increasing with the hopes that one day I can sit down and develop those ideas more! In the meantime, let me just share a quote that really gripped me last night as I read.

"The key to a godly life is not more and more self-generated effort. Instead, Jesus is saying, 'Love me and your obedience will flow naturally from that love.' The secret to obedience isn't formulaic steps found in a self-help book. It is a relentless pursuit of love for him. How then do I cultivate the sincerity of love that motivates obedience? By focusing more intently on His love for me than on my love for Him, more on His obedience than mine, more on His faithfulness than mine, more on His strength than mine." (Elyse Fitzpatrick, Comforts From the Cross)

I need to remember this, as I am so prone to self-generated effort and often find myself looking for three simple steps toward obedience. Lord, help me to love You more, and in loving You to obey as You did!

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